Insights Dialogue

Social media strategies to affect vaccine acceptance: a systematic literature review

BY Rupali J. Limaye, Taylor A. Holroyd, Madeleine Blunt, Alexandra F. Jamison, Molly Sauer, Rose Weeks, et al.

This systematic review of published literature examined more than 60 publications to investigate the state of research on social media interventions and vaccine hesitancy. The review concentrated on the ways in which exposure to social media content influenced vaccine-related behaviors, knowledge, and perceptions. Most of the published research addressed social media strategies and trends in high-income settings focusing on antigen-specific vaccines (e.g., measles, HPV, influenza). Vaccine decision-making, knowledge, and perceptions can be influenced by many factors, including how a message is framed, who the messenger is that delivers content, and network structures found on social media platforms.


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