Insights Dialogue

Effects of Ownership Text Message Wording and Reminders on Receipt of an Influenza Vaccination: A Randomized Clinical Trial

BY Alison Buttenheim, Katherine L. Milkman, Angela L. Duckworth, Dena M. Gromet, Mitesh Patel and Gretchen Chapman

Messages using behavioral science principles may increase vaccination rates, and this randomized clinical trial investigated the effect that text message reminders had on influenza vaccination rates. Over 11,000 patients were randomly assigned to receive a text message that stated “a flu shot has been reserved for you,” a text message that stated “flu shots will be available,” or no text message. This study found that patients who received text messages regarding flu vaccination had greater vaccine uptake than those who received no message. Messages that increase the likelihood that patients will indicate their intention to be vaccinated may also increase vaccination behavior.


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